
YOU CAN’T GET DUMBER than being a celebrity, pretending your were robbed, then going on National and International TV and repeating the lie. Did Lochte really think that Rio’s Police wouldn’t investigate this… maybe look at video? Ask the Cabby if there was a robbery?  Ryan Lochte might be the dumbest athlete on the planet.





LILLY KING doesn’t much like Russian cheater Yulia Efimova. During qualifying, when Efimova raised her finger signaling she was #1, Lilly wagged her finger back and forth in disgust to let the cheater know – no you are not number 1.

On Monday King threw some shade all over the reining World Champion and known cheater Efimova by winning the Breast Stroke in convincing fashion. Congrats Lilly.



TODAY IS OPENING CEREMONIES DAY. And today is the day for the Olympic Flame Cauldron Reveal. Rio’s Flame with buck tradition with the flame, not at the Track Stadium rather in Downtown Rio.

Rio was supposed to be the Games to push environmental activism. Rio’s medals are made of recycled metals. The ribbons are made from recycled plastic. The irony is, of course, the Games are an environmental  poopy  mess of the water venues  full of garbage with raw sewage spewing into the Bay.

The world doesn’t know what the Cauldron will look like – yet. I envision a giant Toilet and the eternal gas being, Methane.